Directed by George Dunning

All aboard the Yellow Submarine! Come sing your heart out with the Fab Four, and bring the next generation of Beatles admirers along for the ride.

This icon of psychedelic pop culture and historic animation landmark is an unmissable animated musical spectacle filled to overflow with visual invention, optical illusions, word play, and glorious, glorious music. Featuring Heinz Edelmann’s inspired art direction, YELLOW SUBMARINE showcases a non-stop parade of wildly different styles and techniques. From the paper-doll residents of Pepperland to the kaleidoscopic color-splashed rotoscoping of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and the triumphant euphony of the It’s All Too Much finale—the film is a total eyes and ears treat.

Once upon a time...or maybe twice...there was an unearthly paradise called Pepperland. A place where beauty, happiness, and song reign supreme. But this harmony is shattered when the Blue Meanies arrive. It’s The Beatles to the rescue, as the fab four journey across seven seas to make peace with the Meanies, and restore music, colour, and love to the world.

IMAGE: Subafilms Limited

Saturday, 13 July

Animated Feature
90 Minutes

United Kingdom, 1968.

Rating: G
Recommended for: All Ages

The message is loud and clear…
love is still all you need.
— Scott A. Mantz